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Artworks on the Water
Kayaking turned into a seamless glide across mirrored skies, far away from dirt, dust, and stress.
Slalom on the Santiam
I saw the gates as not only something to kayak through, but as a gateway into my past.
Journey into the Jungle III
View Ecuador through a new set of eyes as eNRG journeys into the jungle of Tena.
Journey into the Jungle II
From my first step out of the airport in Quito, I realized we had stepped into some place special.
Journey into the Jungle I
Discover the journey behind the journey with regards to how eNRG ended up in Ecuador.
The Majestic Mural of the Santiam R.
Uncover the work of amazing muralist, Molly Keen on the scenic Santiam.
By Phone Reservation Only
Saturday & Sunday: 12:00 – 5:00 PM
All other times by phone reservation
Wednesday – Sunday: 12:00 – 5:00 PM
Everyday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
(Open until 8:00 PM July 1 – Labor Day)
1701 Clackamette Dr
Oregon City, OR 97045
115 NE Wall St
Mill City, OR 97360
1100 12th St
West Linn, OR 97068